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Research Roundup: May 16, 2022

Best of cannabinoid science this week...

In women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (the most extreme nausea of pregnancy), this survey found that many turned to cannabis because all the prescription medications were ineffective Patterns of Use and Self-reported Effectiveness of Cannabis for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

In patients with episodic migraines, a small pilot study finds that PEA helps decrease the frequency of migraines & the amount of medication needed for pain Palmitoylethanolamide-based nutraceutical Calmux® in preventive treatment of migraine

In humans, a brain scan shows that levels of anandamide may modulate the reward feedback system & correlate with personality (hattip to Stuart Tomc) The endocannabinoid system in humans: significant associations between anandamide, brain function during reward feedback and a personality measure of reward dependence

A review of the data strengthens the support for using CBD for acne The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Acne

A review of the potential of cannabinoids against COVID-19 Cannabinoids as Emergent Therapy Against COVID-19

A review of CBD for substance use disorders finds that most of the available research is preclinical – but they suggest the therapeutic potential Cannabidiol in the context of substance use disorder treatment: A systematic review

A strong review of cannabis for the pain & spasticity of MS The Efficacy of Cannabis on Multiple Sclerosis-Related Symptoms

A review for practitioners of using CBD for Parkinson’s disease Cannabidiol (CBD) Consideration in Parkinson Disease

A review of PEA for neurodegenerative disorders Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Review from Rodents to Humans

A review of CBD for rheumatic disorders of the bones, muscles & joints Cannabidiol (CBD) in Rheumatic Diseases (Musculoskeletal Pain)

This review looks at the potential of CBD for suicide prevention (hattip to Stuart Tomc) Suicidality and Cannabidiol: Opportunities and Challenges

A thorough review of cannabinoids for dogs finds that they’re safe to use & help with quality of life & pain, especially CBD Safety and Efficacy of the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis-Based Products in the Treatment of Dogs: An Integrative Review

‘A Summary of Research on Medical Marijuana for Neuropathic Facial Pain’

In patients with treatment resistant epilepsy, CBD decreased symptom severity as well as brain temperature Cannabidiol decreases seizure severity and brain temperature in treatment-resistant epilepsy

A survey of caregivers for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) or Dravet syndrome (DS) (severe childhood epilepsy) found that almost all of them planned to continue to using isolated CBD (Epidiolex) for both seizure control & other symptom improvement Non-Seizure Related Outcomes With Real-World Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome: BECOME, A Caregiver Survey

In patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (growth of benign tumors that cause seizures), CBD worked better than the placebo for controlling seizures Effect of Add-on Cannabidiol (CBD) on Seizure Frequency and Seizure-Free Intervals in Patients With Seizures Associated With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Phase 3 Trial GWPCARE6 Post Hoc Analysis



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