Clinical research
2024: In children with moderate to severe autism, CBD-rich extracts caused significant improvements to communication skills, improved attention & learning, more eye contact, diminished aggression & irritability & an overall increase in quality of life for both the person & their family
Clinical and Family Implications of Cannabidiol (CBD)-Dominant Full-Spectrum Phytocannabinoid Extract in Children and Adolescents with Moderate to Severe Non-Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Observational Study on Neurobehavioral Management
2024: In children with autism, 6 months of CBD-rich cannabis reduced repetitive behaviors, overall anxiety & some anxiety subtypes (general, social, panic & separation anxieties) as well as improvements to aggressive behavior, coping with change & when combined with concomitant treatment, a significant improvement in sleep quality
Medical cannabis for children with autistic spectrum disorder: is there a difference between those treated with cannabis as monotherapy vs those treated with cannabis and concomitant conventional medications?
2024: In children with autism, two weeks of CBD oil improved social functioning & anxiety symptoms & reduced parental distress
Effects of Cannabidiol on Social Relating, Anxiety, and Parental Stress in Autistic Children: A Randomised Controlled Crossover Trial
2024: In two case reports of adults with autism, 600 milligrams of PEA per day for four months improved depressive symptoms & social engagement
Assessing the Biobehavioral Effects of Ultramicronized-Palmitoylethanolamide Monotherapy in Autistic Adults with Different Severity Levels: a Report of Two Cases
2023: In children with autism, four weeks of treatment with a low-THC full-spectrum extract caused significant overall improvements to anxiety & behavioral problems
Safety and efficacy of orally administered full-spectrum medicinal cannabis plant extract 0.08% THC (NTI-164) in children with autism spectrum disorder: An open-label study
2022: In kids with autism, CBD-rich cannabis extracts for 6 months most showed improvement in repetitive behaviors & social communication abilities, especially those with more severe starting symptoms
Children and adolescents with ASD treated with CBD-rich cannabis exhibit significant improvements particularly in social symptoms: an open label study
2022: In a survey of pediatric autism patients, the caregivers administered cannabis most frequently for repetitive behaviors & irritability & found high levels of CBD paired with low levels of THC tended to work best
A natural history study of medical cannabis consumption in pediatric autism in the United States
2022: For people with autism in the UK Medical Cannabis Registry, they saw “significant improvements in general health-related quality of life and sleep”
Clinical outcome analysis of patients with autism spectrum disorder: analysis from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry
2022: A case study of full-spectrum CBD for autism
Cannabidiol in Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study
2022: In a double-blind study of children with autism, CBD-rich hemp extracts increased social interaction & concentration while decreasing anxiety & psychomotor agitation & led to less caregiver distress
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol-rich cannabis extract in children with autism spectrum disorder: randomized, double-blind and controlled placebo clinical trial
2022: In a case study where isolated CBD stopped being effective for autism once the patient hit puberty, the power of enriching with terpenes
Terpene-Enriched CBD oil for treating autism-derived symptoms unresponsive to pure CBD: Case report
2022: In a safety study of children with autism, treatment with a 20:1 CBD:THC solution caused no significant differences in the safety biomarkers measured
Medical cannabis for the treatment of comorbid symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder: An interim analysis of biochemical safety
2022: In a study of autistic children, researchers looked at how biomarkers in the saliva could be used to measure the effectiveness of cannabis treatment
The Potential of Salivary Lipid-Based Cannabis-Responsive Biomarkers to Evaluate Medical Cannabis Treatment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022: Among humans with autism, they were more likely to be using CBD than the rest of the population
Cannabis and cannabidiol use among autistic and non-autistic adults in the UK: a propensity score-matched analysis
2022: In children with autism, the use of low doses of CBD & trace amounts of THC decreased behavioral problems, improved cognition & increased social interactions
CBD-enriched cannabis for autism spectrum disorder: an experience of a single center in Turkey and reviews of the literature
2022: In children with autism, treatment with cannabis caused 65 biomarkers to shift towards more typical development
Cannabis-Responsive Biomarkers: A Pharmacometabolomics-Based Application to Evaluate the Impact of Medical Cannabis Treatment on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2021: According to this survey, about 20% of people caring for a child with autism give their child CBD
2021: Zynerba presents their new Phase 2 data on their transdermal CBD gel for treating autism
Longer Term Tolerability and Efficacy of ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Open-Label Phase 2 Study
2021: In brain scans of human with autism, CBDV caused the striatum of the brain to move towards more neurotypical functionality
Modulation of striatal functional connectivity differences in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder in a single-dose randomized trial of cannabidivarin
2021: In children with epilepsy & autism, Zynerba’s CBD transdermal gel helped with sleep
Impact of ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel on Sleep in Children and Adolescents With Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies and Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder
2021: Zynerba’s CBD transdermal gel helpful for those with autism including for behavior, seizures & sleep
ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel: Efficacy and Safety Findings in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Related Disorders
2021: This meta-review looks at how children with autism spectrum disorder tend to have lower levels of endocannabinoids in their blood & that their risk of developing autism may be increased by using acetaminophen because its pain-relieving properties are mediated by the endocannabinoid system
Endocannabinoid System Dysregulation from Acetaminophen Use May Lead to Autism Spectrum Disorder: Could Cannabinoid Treatment Be Efficacious?
2021: A proof-of-concept trial using cannabinoids for autism
Cannabinoid treatment for autism: a proof-of-concept randomized trial
2020: Case report of a 15 year old with autism & epilepsy using low doses of CBD
A pediatric patient with autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy using cannabinoid extracts as complementary therapy: a case report
2020: In children with autism and in animal models of autism, there's less endocannabinoid signaling and this study suggests boosting 2-AG levels
The Alternations of Endocannabinoid System and its Therapeutic Potential in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2020: In a study looking at children with autism, help was seen by the addition of CBD, melatonin and oxytocin (30 patients)
A Neuroendocrine Therapeutic Approach with the Pineal Hormone Melatonin, Cannabidiol and Oxytocin (MCO regimen) in the Treatment of the Autism Spectrum disorders
2020: A brain imaging study of autistics looks at how 600 mg of CBD causes effects via the GABA & glutamate pathways
Effects of cannabidiol on brain excitation and inhibition systems; a randomised placebo-controlled single dose trial during magnetic resonance spectroscopy in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder
2019: In humans, 600 mg of CBD altered brain connectivity in those with autism (34 participants)
The effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on low-frequency activity and functional connectivity in the brain of adults with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
2019: In humans with autism, 600 mg of CBDV modulated the GABA & glutamate systems (34 men in a repeated-measures, double-blind, randomized-order, cross-over design)
Effects of cannabidivarin (CBDV) on brain excitation and inhibition systems in adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): a single dose trial during magnetic resonance spectroscopy
2019: In children with autism, CBD improved many behaviors (53 participants)
Oral Cannabidiol Use in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Treat Related Symptoms and Co-morbidities
2019: In patients with autism, high CBD/low THC oil found helpful (188 ASD patients)
Real life Experience of Medical Cannabis Treatment in Autism: Analysis of Safety and Efficacy
Popular article: Israeli study finds help for autism with a 30% CBD / 1.5% THC mix
2019: CBD found helpful for autistic children (60 children in a retrospective feasibility study)
Brief Report: Cannabidiol-Rich Cannabis in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Severe Behavioral Problems-A Retrospective Feasibility Study
2019: Children with autism tend to have lower endocannabinoid levels circulating in their blood
Lower circulating endocannabinoid levels in children with autism spectrum disorder
2019: Out of 15 autism patients using CBD-rich cannabis extracts, only one failed to show improvements (18 person observational study)
Effects of CBD-Enriched Cannabis sativa Extract on Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms: An Observational Study of 18 Participants Undergoing Compassionate Use
Best reviews
2024: For autism in children & adolescents, a review of cannabinoids for alleviating the core symptoms
Cannabinoids as alleviating treatment for core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review
2024: For autism, a Brazilian meta-analysis of CBD’s efficacy for the self-harm, hyperactivity & sleep problems
Eficácia do canabidiol no tratamento do Transtorno do Espectro Autista: uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise
2024: For autism, a review of targeting the endocannabinoid system (charts)
Unraveling the Endocannabinoid System: Exploring Its Therapeutic Potential in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2024: For autism, a review of 77 studies on targeting the endocannabinoid & cholinergic systems
Targeting cholinergic and endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic intervention for core asd associated phenotypes in autism model: a systematic review
2023: For autism, a review of treatment with CBD
Therapeutic Profile of Cannabidiol in the Broad Symptomatology of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence From Basic Science to Clinical Approaches
​2022: On autism, a review of the clinical evidence shows that the cannabinoids, and especially CBD, can help with common comorbidities as well as the central symptoms
Clinical Data on Canabinoids: Translational Research in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
2022: A review of autism & why using cannabinoids seems to help with a number of the behavioral, cognitive, social interaction, hyperactivity, anxiety & sleep symptoms
Implications of the endocannabinoid system and the therapeutic action of cannabinoids in autism spectrum disorder: A literature review
2022: This thorough review of autism spectrum disorders looks at the overlap between the endocannabinoid system & the microbiome’s effect on the gut-brain axis
The Endocannabinoids-Microbiota Partnership in Gut-Brain Axis Homeostasis: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders
2022: A review of the promise of cannabinoids for early neurodevelopmental disorders such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, tics & attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder
The role of cannabinoids in neurodevelopmental disorders of children and adolescents
2022: A specialist on using cannabis for autism
Medical cannabis in autism spectrum disorder: a specialist perspective
2022: In autism, a review of why the endocannabinoid control of lipid signaling helps to balance inflammation & oxidation & why this makes it a treatment target
Lipid-Based Molecules on Signaling Pathways in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2021: This review of the ECS & autism looks at all of the human studies & finds that AEA levels are lower in people with autism
Endocannabinoid Markers in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Scoping Review of Human Studies
2021: A review of targeting the ECS for the treatment of autism - with lessons from animal models
The role of the endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic target for autism spectrum disorder: lessons from behavioral studies on mouse models
2021: A review of using medical cannabis in children & teens with autism
Medicinal Cannabis in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review
2021: This review looks at PEA for autism & looks at its several different mechanisms
Palmitoylethanolamide and Its Biobehavioral Correlates in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of Human and Animal Evidence
2021: For treating epilepsy & autism, this review suggests cannabidivarin (CBDV - a phytocannabinoid similar to CBD but with a shorter tail)
Therapeutic potential of cannabidivarin for epilepsy and autism spectrum disorder
2021: A review of how to treat autism spectrum disorder by targeting neuroinflammation via the endocannabinoid system
Healing autism spectrum disorder with cannabinoids: a neuroinflammatory story
2020: This meta-review of CBD for children with autism included ten studies
Cannabinoids for People with ASD: A Systematic Review of Published and Ongoing Studies
2019: A review of microglia, the ECS & autism
The Endocannabinoid System as a Window Into Microglial Biology and Its Relationship to Autism
2017: The endocannabinoids and the neuroinflammation of autism
Role of Endocannabinoids on Neuroinflammation in Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevention
2017: How the ECS is dysregulated in autism
Endocannabinod Signal Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Correlation Link between Inflammatory State and Neuro-Immune Alterations
Timeline of research
2024: In a mouse model of autism, CBD lessened their repetitive self-grooming & hyperlocomotion behaviors as well as their social deficits
Cannabidiol is a behavioral modulator in BTBR mouse model of idiopathic autism
2024: In a mouse model of autism (induced during pregnancy via stress & a toxin), a broad-spectrum CBD oil given during pregnancy improved their three core autism symptoms of social communication, repetitive behavior & social interaction
Prenatal broad-spectrum cannabidiol administration prevents an autism-like phenotype in male offspring from a maternal stress/terbutaline rat model
2024: For autism, a molecular docking study of how THC is beneficial for lowering inflammatory factors
Evaluation of Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol Effect on Autism Inflammatory Factors by Molecular Docking Study
2023: In a male mouse model of autism, CBD enhanced their social interactions
Acute cannabidiol treatment enhances social interaction in adult male mice
2023: In a mouse model of autism, CBD & cannabis terpene blends caused prosocial behaviors
Cannabidiol and cannabis-inspired terpene blends have acute prosocial effects in the BTBR mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2023: In a mouse model of autism, a thesis project on using cannflavins to normalize neuron morphology
Evaluating the Therapeutic Effects of Cannflavins on Hippocampal Neuronal Systems Function in the Valproic Acid Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
2023: In a mouse model of autism, a thesis project on the effects of CBD on prosocial behavior & BDNF levels (an important neural growth factor)
Developmental intervention with CBD on BDNF levels and prosocial behavior in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2023: In a thesis project using a mouse model of autism, CBD helped to lessen the social deficits
Pharmacotherapeutic effects of cannabidiol in autism spectrum disorders
2023: A patent on using MAGL inhibitors to treat autism
Monoacylglycerol Lipase Modulators for Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
2022: In a rat model of autism, increasing anandamide in the hippocampus (memory area) & blocking 2-AG in the amygdala (fear center) helped with memory tasks & social functioning respectivelyAnandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol differentially modulate autistic-like traits in a genetic model of autism based on FMR1 deletion in rats
2021: In a mouse model of autism, long-term treatment with CBD-rich medical cannabis oil lessened anxiety & repetitive behaviors
Behavioral aspects and neurobiological properties underlying medical cannabis treatment in Shank3 mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2021: In a mouse with no CB1 receptors, researchers looked at changes in social behavior & communication with relevance to autism
Communication and social interaction in the cannabinoid-type 1 receptor null mouse: Implications for autism spectrum disorder​
2021: In mice, lowering the activity of their DGL-α enzyme (which produces 2-AG) creates autism-type behaviors
Pharmacological inhibition of the primary endocannabinoid producing enzyme, DGL-α, induces autism spectrum disorder-like and co-morbid phenotypes in adult C57BL/J mice
2019: In rats, CBDV ameliorates autism-like behaviors
Cannabidivarin Treatment Ameliorates Autism-Like Behaviors and Restores Hippocampal Endocannabinoid System and Glia Alterations Induced by Prenatal Valproic Acid Exposure in Rats