The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
What is the ECS?
The endocannabinoid system, also known as the ECS, helps us function on a moment-to-moment, day-to-day basis. The main purpose of the ECS is to maintain homeostasis in the body. Our body is constantly responding to internal and external stimuli that’s telling us that we have to adapt.
Whether we are hungry (internal) or just handed a major project at work (external), the ECS helps us adapt by controlling our fight or flight response, impacting our endocrine function, the immune system, and inflammation. In fact, many scientists are calling the endocannabinoid system the ‘master control system’ because of those very reasons.
The pitfalls of our modern, busy lifestyles, like poor eating habits, too much processed food, a lack of adequate sleep, and excessive stress, can push our ECS out of balance. So now, the system meant to balance us and help us adapt to change is also out of balance. This can lead to both emotional and physical health issues.
Three Components of the ECS


Cannabinoid Receptors

2021: This review looks at the activity of endocannabinoids outside of their actions at the cannabinoid receptors
Noncanonical Activity of Endocannabinoids and Their Receptors in Central and Peripheral Synapses
2021: A paper looking at the lifestyle interventions that might improve your endocannabinoid tone during a pandemic
Lifestyle Interventions Improving Cannabinoid Tone During COVID-19 Lockdowns May Enhance Compliance With Preventive Regulations and Decrease Psychophysical Health Complications
2021: This review examines what we know about modulating the endocannabinoid system from birth through adolescence
Early Consumption of Cannabinoids: From Adult Neurogenesis to Behavior