Clinical research
2024: In people with PTSD, cannabis-based medicines substantially reduced their symptoms after three months, with greater improvements in those with comorbid depression than in those without
Medicinal cannabis for treating post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression: real-world evidence
2024: In people with PTSD in the T21 UK patient registry, those inhaling cannabis reported significant improvements in mood, sleep quality, intrusion symptoms, reactivity alternations & overall health
Controlled inhalation of THC-predominant cannabis flos mitigates severity of PTSD symptoms and improves quality of sleep and general mood in cannabis-experienced UK civilians: a real-world, observational study
2024: A meta-analysis of PTSD studies found cannabis use associated with significant improvements
Cannabis use and trauma-focused treatment for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders: A meta-analysis of individual patient data
2024: In humans with PTSD, low doses of THC helped with fear memory processes & extinction learning, both acutely & one week after administration
Dose-dependent effect of acute THC on extinction memory recall and fear renewal: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
2024: In US public health data, enrollment in medical cannabis programs increased overall but generally decreased in places with adult-use laws
Trends in U.S. Medical Cannabis Registrations, Authorizing Clinicians, and Reasons for Use From 2020 to 2022
“Chronic pain was the most common patient-reported qualifying condition in 2022 (48.4%), followed by anxiety (14.2%) and posttraumatic stress disorder (13.0%)."
2024: In people with trauma, they had lower levels of CB1 receptors in their amygdala
Amygdala Cannabinoid 1 Receptor, Pain Response, and Emotional Numbing in Trauma-Exposed Individuals
2024: In humans watching trauma films, their stress levels were correlated to the endocannabinoid levels in their saliva, with the effects moderated by anandamide
Trauma film viewing and intrusive memories: Relationship between salivary alpha amylase, endocannabinoids, and cortisol
2023: In a case report on complex dissociative PTSD, very positive effects from cannabis assisted psychotherapy
​Cannabis-assisted psychotherapy for complex dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder: A case report
2023: In Dutch veterans, a positive study on using cannabis for chronic PTSD
Medical Cannabis for Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Dutch Veterans: A Health Care Evaluation
2023: A survey of 500+ US veterans finds that the most common uses are for chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety & depression, that it allows them to reduce their medication usage (including opioids) & over 90% report that cannabis gives them a greater quality of life
Self-reported Medicinal Cannabis Use as an Alternative to Prescription and Over-the-counter Medication Use Among US Military Veterans
2023: A case report of a young teen self-medicating with cannabis for PTSD
Case Report: Cannabis for Treatment of PTSD
2023: In a small study of people with PTSD, medical cannabis use improved their mental health & symptom severity scores, especially in reductions of nightmares & improved sleep quality
Improved Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Related Sleep Disturbances after Initiation of Medical Marijuana Use: Evidence from a Prospective Single Arm Pilot Study
2023: In adults with PTSD, low levels of THC helped with fear learning & memory in the corticolimbic system
Cannabinoid modulation of corticolimbic activation during extinction learning and fear renewal in adults with posttraumatic stress disorder
2023: In public health data from Pennsylvania, people using medical cannabis for anxiety or PTSD after three months had lessened anxiety & reported reduction in medication usage, especially benzodiazepines
Anxiety severity and prescription medication utilization in first-time medical marijuana users
2022: In humans with PTSD, CBD significantly lowered their stress levels while recalling traumatic events
Effects of cannabidiol on symptoms induced by the recall of traumatic events in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
2022: In humans with PTSD, a low dose of THC helped with emotional processing during an emotional regulation task
Cannabinoid modulation of brain activation during volitional regulation of negative affect in trauma-exposed adults
2022: In humans with PTSD, 10 mg of THC helped with problems in the limbic (emotional) system while 5 mg decreased activation of the amygdala (fear center)
Varying Doses of THC Rescue Neural Fear Circuitry Dysfunction in Trauma-Exposed Adults
2022: In humans, a pilot study showed that THC helped to extinguish fear conditioning induced by visual stimuli & electric shocks
Facilitated extinction of conditioned fear responses by delta 9-tetrahyrdrocannabidol in humans: a pilot study
2022: A diary study of using cannabis for PTSD & to help with sleep with CBD-rich products helping the most to lower early awakenings
Posttraumatic stress disorder, sleep and medical cannabis treatment: A daily diary study
2022: In a review of the UK cannabis registry, those with PTSD using cannabinoids saw significant improvements in PTSD symptoms, sleep & anxiety
Assessment of clinical outcomes in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder: analysis from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry
2022: In women with PTSD, their genetic variant of FAAH (the enzyme that breaks down anandamide) influences their response to fear
The influence of FAAH genetic variation on physiological, cognitive, and neural signatures of fear acquisition and extinction learning in women with PTSD
2022: A longitudinal study looks at the levels of AEA & 2-AG in those with PTSD
Circulating endocannabinoids and genetic polymorphisms as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity: heterogeneity in a community-based cohort
2021: In humans with PTSD, the ability of exercise to help reduce threat expectancy is mediated via anandamide & BDNF (an important brain growth factor regulated by the ECS)
Exercise-induced increases in Anandamide and BDNF during extinction consolidation contribute to reduced threat following reinstatement: Preliminary evidence from a randomized controlled trial
2021: In humans, genetic differences in their CB1 receptors & FAAH enzymes showed that they are involved in forgetting fears
Cannabinoid polymorphisms interact with plasma endocannabinoid levels to predict fear extinction learning
2021: In humans, a certain genetic variant of FAAH (the enzyme that breaks down anandamide) is linked to how much people process fear & their susceptibility to PTSD
A common genetic variant in fatty acid amide hydrolase is linked to alterations in fear extinction neural circuitry in a racially diverse, nonclinical sample of adults
2020: In Canadian soldiers with PTSD, nabilone (synthetic THC) found to be helpful for their nightmares
Use of a synthetic cannabinoid (nabilone) in the ongoing management of posttraumatic stress disorder nightmares in the Canadian Armed Forces: Results of an anonymous online survey
2020: In adults with PTSD, low amounts of THC "lowered threat-related amygdala reactivity, increased mPFC activation during threat, and increased mPFC-amygdala functional coupling"
Cannabinoid modulation of corticolimbic activation to threat in trauma-exposed adults: a preliminary study
2019: A survey in Minnesota showed cannabis caused clinically meaningful reductions in PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Program Report
2019: In humans with PTSD, after exercising their AEA & OEA levels increased but not 2-AG
Loss of exercise- and stress-induced increases in circulating 2-arachidonoylglycerol concentrations in adults with chronic PTSD
Best reviews
2024: A review of CBD for PTSD & depression
Cannabidiol, a promising therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. A mini-review
2023: A review of the challenges of treating PTSD with cannabis
Challenges and considerations for treating PTSD with medicinal cannabis: the Australian clinician's perspective
2023: In stress disorders like depression, anxiety & PTSD, a review of the endocannabinoids & epigenetic changes
Endocannabinoid signaling and epigenetics modifications in the neurobiology of stress-related disorders
2021: A review of clinical guidelines for doctors treating PTSD patients with nabilone (a synthetic cannabinoid similar to THC)
Nabilone for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines
2021: This review looks at how what we learned about the ECS & PTSD from animal models & how this might be translated to helping humans
Translation of animal endocannabinoid models of PTSD mechanisms to humans: Where to next?
2021: This insightful review of the literature suggests the mechanisms by which CBD exerts its promising effects on PTSD
Cannabidiol and the corticoraphe circuit in post-traumatic stress disorder
2021: This review discusses targeting the ECS for treatment of PTSD
Targeting the endocannabinoid system in the treatment of PTSD: A promising case of preclinical-clinical translation?
2021: This review looks at how the ECS helps with the storage of memories with a special focus on the painful memories of PTSD
The role of endocannabinoids in consolidation, retrieval, reconsolidation, and extinction of fear memory
2021: Another review finds that cannabis is helpful for PTSD & that the area needs more large clinical studies
Cannabis in the management of PTSD: a systematic review
2021: This review looks at ten studies using the cannabinoids (including CBD) for PTSD
Use of cannabinoids for the treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
2021: A review looking at targeting the endocannabinoid system with CBD or THC for PTSD
Endocannabinoid System as Therapeutic Target of PTSD: A Systematic Review
2020: A review of cannabinoids for PTSD with a focus on the HPA axis
Cannabinoids as therapeutics for PTSD
2020: A review of how dopamine interacts with the ECS in PTSD
Dopamine, endocannabinoids and their interaction in fear extinction and negative affect in PTSD
2020: This review of many clinical trials finds that low-dose THC as well as THC+CBD help to suppress anxiety & aversive memories
Effects of ∆ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on aversive memories and anxiety: a review from human studies
2019: A review of studies of traumatic memories & cannabinoids in humans & animal models
Tempering aversive/traumatic memories with cannabinoids: a review of evidence from animal and human studies
2019: A review finds "cannabinoids may help reduce global PTSD symptoms, sleep disturbances, and nightmares" and double-blind trials are highly warranted – 10 studies
The Effectiveness of Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Systematic Review
​2018: How the sex hormones are modulated by the ECS in PTSD
Modulation of the endocannabinoid system by sex hormones: Implications for posttraumatic stress disorder
Chart Gallery

2015: Toward a Translational Approach to Targeting the Endocannabinoid System in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Critical Review of Preclinical Research

2018: Cannabidiol as a Therapeutic Alternative for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: From Bench Research to Confirmation in Human Trials

2018: Effects of Cannabinoid Drugs on Aversive or Rewarding Drug-Associated Memory Extinction and Reconsolidation

2015: Toward a Translational Approach to Targeting the Endocannabinoid System in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Critical Review of Preclinical Research
Timeline of Research
2024: In a male mouse model of PTSD, CBD lowered symptoms & neuroinflammation via CB2 receptors in the brain
Cannabidiol ameliorates PTSD-like symptoms by inhibiting neuroinflammation through its action on CB2 receptors in the brain of male mice
2024: In a rat model of PTSD, CBD combined well with clonidine for memory destabilization & lessening the effects of traumatic memories
Dual-step pharmacological intervention for traumatic-like memories: implications from D-cycloserine and cannabidiol or clonidine in male and female rats
2024: In a mouse model of PTSD, CBD alleviated their PTSD-like behaviors via changes to the expression of over 60 genes
Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Profiling from the Hippocampus of a PTSD Mouse Model and CBD-Treated Cohorts
“A total of 63 overlapping genes in InNs were identified as key genes for CBD in the treatment of PTSD. Subsequent Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analyses revealed that the anti-PTSD effect of CBD was related to the regulation of protein synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, oxidative stress response, and fear response.”
2024: In a mouse model of PTSD, cannabis oil improved anxiety & depressive symptoms via the BDNF/TRPC6 signaling pathway
Medicinal cannabis oil improves anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviors in CCS mice via the BDNF/TRPC6 signaling pathway
2024: In a rat model of trauma, a thesis project on the therapeutic potential of the endocannabinoids anandamide & 2AG
Differential Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Activation Profiles of Endocannabinoids 2- AG and AEA
2024: In animal models of PTSD (predator odor stress reactivity), a review on the effects of alcohol drinking & the endocannabinoid system
Predator odor stress reactivity, alcohol drinking and the endocannabinoid system
2024: In a rat model of PTSD, their neuroplasticity & endocannabinoid gene expression predicted their susceptibility to fear
Endocannabinoid and neuroplasticity-related changes as susceptibility factors in a rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder
2023: In mouse model of trauma, in this thesis project CBD caused long-term protection against fear relapse after a successful extinction of the memory as well as causing less stress induced impairments
Cannabidiol regulation of extinction and relapse of learned fear
2023: In a rat model of trauma (social defeat or exposure to predator odor), inhibiting the FAAH enzyme with URB937 prevented social avoidance behavior as well as blocking the rise of pro-inflammatory cytokines & stress hormone levels
Enhancement of peripheral fatty acyl ethanolamide signaling prevents stress-induced social avoidance and anxiety-like behaviors in male rats
2023: In a mouse model of PTSD, knocking out the CB1 receptors of the amygdala (a fear center of the brain) helped to eliminate social fear memory
Basolateral Amygdala Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Controls Formation and Elimination of Social Fear Memory
2023: In a rat model of PTSD & sepsis, the formation of fear memories involved the cannabinoid receptors
Involvement of cannabinoid receptors and neuroinflammation in early sepsis: Implications for posttraumatic stress disorder
2023: On the effects of CBD in the amygdala (brain region associated with fight or flight, anxiety & PTSD)
Cannabidiol Differentially Modulates Synaptic Release and Cellular Excitability in Amygdala Subnuclei
2023: In a mouse model of PTSD, using CBD nanovesicles with ultrasound to help them across the blood-brain barrier for targeted brain delivery
Cannabidiol-loaded biomimetic macrophage membrane vesicles against post-traumatic stress disorder assisted by ultrasound
2023: In a rat model of PTSD, inhibiting the FAAH enzyme lowered their freezing time & showed anti-anxiety & antidepressant effects
Fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 suppressed conditioned and sensitized fear responses in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder
2023: In a rat model of PTSD, an ultra-low dose of THC reduced the fear response via the hippocampus (memory center)
Effects of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol on fear memory labilization and reconsolidation: A putative role of GluN2B-NMDA receptor within the dorsal hippocampus
2022: In a mouse model of PTSD, CBD helped to lower their fear response & anxiety
Cannabidiol Prevents Spontaneous Fear Recovery after Extinction and Ameliorates Stress-Induced Extinction Resistance
2022: In female rats, CBD helped to block them from storing fearful memories via the CB1 receptor
Cannabidiol impairs fear memory reconsolidation in female rats through dorsal hippocampus CB1 but not CB2 receptor interaction
2022: In female rats exposed to fear conditioning, CBD reduced their anxiety responses via the dopamine/serotonin axis in the hippocampus (memory center)
Cannabidiol attenuates fear memory expression in female rats via hippocampal 5-HT1A but not CB1 or CB2 receptors
2022: In a rat stressed out by the smell of a predator (a model of PTSD), CBD helped to lower unconditioned – but not conditioned - fear
The Divergent Effects of CDPPB and Cannabidiol on Fear Extinction and Anxiety in a Predator Scent Stress Model of PTSD in Rats
2022: In a mouse model of PTSD, a comparison of CBD with sertraline (an SSRI) found that CBD reduced the “the consolidation, retrieval, and reconsolidation of trauma-related fear memory” (while sertraline only reduced fear-memory retrieval) & that CBD was effective whether given before, during or after the trauma while sertraline was only effective if given before
Comparison between cannabidiol and sertraline for the modulation of post-traumatic stress disorder-like behaviors and fear memory in mice
2022: In a rat model of PTSD, they look at how THC & CBD might affect the stress responses
Cannabinoid use is enhanced by stress and changes conditioned stress responses
2021: In a mouse model of PTSD & aversive memories, this study looks at how CBD works in the brain to help
Medial prefrontal cortex mechanisms of cannabidiol-induced aversive memory reconsolidation impairments
2021: In female mice, CBD was superior to the SSRI citalopram for extinguishing fearful memories
Comparison of cannabidiol to citalopram in targeting fear memory in female mice
2021: In a female mouse model of PTSD, anandamide & 2-AG caused opposite effects in fear expression & fear extinction
Sex-dependent effects of endocannabinoid modulation of conditioned fear extinction in rats
2020: When mice are panicked at the sight of pit vipers, here's how the CB1 receptor modulates the signals
The modulation of striatonigral and nigrotectal pathways by CB1 signalling in the substantia nigra pars reticulata regulates panic elicited in mice by urutu-cruzeiro lancehead pit vipers
2020: In mice, both CBD & CBDA helped with PTSD-type symptoms around fear & trauma
Cannabidiol disrupts conditioned fear expression and cannabidiolic acid reduces trauma-induced anxiety-related behaviour in mice
2020: In rats with induced panic, CBD injection into the hypothalamus reduced “both panic attack-like behaviours and unconditioned fear-induced antinociception” – effects blocked by a CB1 antagonist
Cannabidiol-induced Panicolytic-Like Effects and Fear-Induced Antinociception Impairment: The Role of the CB 1 Receptor in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus
2019: In rats, cannabinoid receptors & others are involved in the fear mitigating effects of CBD
A time-dependent contribution of hippocampal CB1, CB2, and PPARγ receptors to cannabidiol-induced disruption of fear memory consolidation
2019: In rats, CBD blocks the consolidation of fearful memories when taken within an hour of trauma
A time-dependent contribution of hippocampal CB 1 , CB 2 and PPARγ receptors to cannabidiol-induced disruption of fear memory consolidation
2019: In rats, CBD given up to an hour after trauma reduced fear conditioning – seems to work via CB1, CB2, serotonin, adenosine and PPARγ
A Time-Dependent Contribution of Hippocampal CB 1 , CB 2 and PPARγ Receptors to Cannabidiol-Induced Disruption of Fear Memory Consolidation
2019: In mice, CBD & hemp plant extracts significantly reduced the fear response – while THC did not
Cannabidiol and the Remainder of the Plant Extract Modulate the Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Fear Memory Reconsolidation
2017: In rats, CBD disrupts the consolidation of different fear memories via AEA mediated activity at the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the dorsal hippocampus
Cannabidiol Disrupts the Consolidation of Specific and Generalized Fear Memories via Dorsal Hippocampus CB 1 and CB 2 Receptors
2017: In rats, an infusion of CBD interrupted fear consolidation 5 hours after the trauma – reduces influence of prefrontal circuit on cortico-limbic circuits
Selective Post-Training Time Window for Memory Consolidation Interference of Cannabidiol Into the Prefrontal Cortex: Reduced Dopaminergic Modulation and Immediate Gene Expression in Limbic Circuits
2016: In rats, the authors find CBD using a novel circuit in the mesolimbic system that works via serotonin pathways to block the formation of fearful memories that cause a conditioned freeze
Cannabidiol Modulates Fear Memory Formation Through Interactions with Serotonergic Transmission in the Mesolimbic System
2015: In an animal model, THC & CBD can disrupt the reconsolidation (re-saving) of fearful memories
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol alone and combined with cannabidiol mitigate fear memory through reconsolidation disruption
2012: In rats, CBD as a reconsolidation blocker for fear memories
On disruption of fear memory by reconsolidation blockade: evidence from cannabidiol treatment
2010: In rats, injections of CBD into the prefrontal cortex helped to lessen their conditioned fear
Involvement of the prelimbic prefrontal cortex on cannabidiol-induced attenuation of contextual conditioned fear in rats
2006: In rats, both THC & CBD potentiated the extinction of conditioned incentive learning
Effect of low doses of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on the extinction of cocaine-induced and amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference learning in rats