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Clinical research


2024: In people quitting injectable opioids, cannabis helped to reduce cravings & anxiety

“Smoking weed it gets you over the hump”: Cannabis co-use as a facilitator of decreased opioid use among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles, California


2024: A survey found that people can reduce opioid usage with cannabis

Does cannabis use substitute for opioids? A preliminary exploratory survey in opioid maintenance patients


2024: In people in early recovery from opioid or stimulant addiction, the benefits of cannabis substitution

"Everything is kind of the same except my mind is with me": exploring cannabis substitution in a sample of adults in early recovery from an opioid or stimulant addiction


2024: A survey of people with opioid use disorder found strong interest in using CBD

Use and perceptions of Cannabidiol among individuals in treatment for opioid use disorder


2024: In people with opioid use disorder using methadone, THC altered their attention towards opioid cues

A preliminary investigation of the acute effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on pain and opioid attentional bias among persons with opioid use disorder


2023: A survey of chronic pain patients on how cannabis may be an off-ramp from prescription opioids

Offering an Alternative to Persons with Chronic Pain: How Access to Cannabis May Provide an Off-Ramp from Undesired Prescription Opioid Use


2023: A survey of people who use opioids find that they feel cannabis is helpful for reducing their opioid usage

Cannabis use to manage opioid cravings among people who use unregulated opioids during a drug toxicity crisis


2023: In 10 people with opioid use disorder, one dose of 600 milligrams of isolated CBD significantly reduced cue-induced craving as well as attentional bias towards drug related cues but no effects on the other outcomes examined

Impact of cannabidiol on reward- and stress-related neurocognitive processes among individuals with opioid use disorder: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over trial


2023: In people using methadone for opioid use disorder, THC provided pain relief

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol modulates pain sensitivity among persons receiving opioid agonist therapy for opioid use disorder: A within-subject, randomized, placebo-controlled laboratory study


2023: In AJEM, a case report of a patient with opioid use disorder who greatly lowered their medication usage, including prescription opioids, using a combination of CBD & THC

Case Report: Cannabis Substitution Therapy for Prescription Opioid Detoxification


2023: Shaw & Marcu case report on CBD for acute opioid withdrawal
Case Report: Cannabidiol in the Management of Acute Opioid Withdrawal


2022: A survey of people with substance use disorder who used CBD found that it helped them to sleep better, relax, reduce pain & feel less anxious
Cannabidiol use among patients with substance use disorders


2022: In older medical cannabis users, CBD oils are the most common type being used & people report them helpful for pain, sleep, mood, a reduced use of opioids & a reduced use of benzodiazepines

Medical Cannabis Use Among Older Adults in Canada: Self-Reported Data on Types and Amount Used, and Perceived Effects


2022: A survey of medical cannabis users finds their most prevalent reasons for use to be pain, sleep, headaches/migraines, appetite, nausea, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance addictions & psychosis

Prevalence and self-reported reasons of cannabis use for medical purposes in USA and Canada 


2022: In humans with opioid use disorder, a report on using cannabis for withdrawal

Biological (Testosterone and Oxytocin) Approach for the Impact of Naturalistic Cannabis use on Self-reported Opioid Withdrawal


2022: In an analysis of prescription data, the use of Sativex (a 1:1 THC:CBD medicine) caused substantial reductions in opioid use

Possible opioid-saving effect of cannabis-based medicine using individual-based data from the Norwegian Prescription Database


2021: Using cannabis to help boost the efficacy of methadone maintenance for people with opioid use disorder
The Cannabis-Dependent Relationship Between Methadone Treatment Dose and Illicit Opioid Use in a Community-Based Cohort of People Who Use Drugs


2020: In a survey of 200 patients, they reported that cannabis helped with the symptoms of opioid withdrawal

The impact of naturalistic cannabis use on self-reported opioid withdrawal


2019: Survey finds medical cannabis may help with the opioid crisis

The effect of cannabis laws on opioid use


2019: Survey finds “that a substantial number of US adults reported that they substituted marijuana for opioids”

Substitution of marijuana for opioids in a national survey of US adults


2019: Ananda study finds that ‘CBD-rich extract enabled our patients to reduce or eliminate opioids with significant improvement in their quality of life indices’ (97 patients in a prospective, single-arm cohort study)

Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study


2019: In humans, Hurd demonstrates CBD’s help for heroin addiction – reduced cue-induced craving and anxiety

Cannabidiol for the Reduction of Cue-Induced Craving and Anxiety in Drug-Abstinent Individuals With Heroin Use Disorder: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial


2017: In a Canadian survey, there was a high self-reported use of cannabis as a substitute for prescription drugs, particularly opioids, benzodiazepines & antidepressants as well as alcohol, tobacco & illicit drugs
Medical cannabis access, use, and substitution for prescription opioids and other substances: A survey of authorized medical cannabis patients


Best reviews


2024: A review of using cannabinoids as a painkiller to mitigate the opioid epidemic

Mitigating the Opioid Epidemic: The Role of Cannabinoids in Chronic Pain Management—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Evidence and Mechanisms


2024: For opioid use disorder, a review of treating it with medical cannabis

The Role of Medicinal Cannabis as an Emerging Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder


2024: For opioid-related memories, a review on targeting the endocannabinoid system for treating addiction

A Translational Approach to Using Endocannabinoid Modulators for Targeting Opioid-Associated Memory


2024: A review of 10 studies on the effects of mixing THC or CBD with opioids

Pharmacodynamic effects following co-administration of cannabinoids and opioids: A scoping review of human experimental studies


2023: A review of CBD for opioid use disorder

The Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol in Revolutionising Opioid Use Disorder Management


2023: For substance use disorder, a review of 29 studies finds CBD to be the most promising for treating multiple substance use disorders
Evidence from Human Studies for Utilising Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Substance-Use Disorders: A Scoping Review with a Systematic Approach


2023: A review of CBD as harm reduction for people who use drugs (27 studies)

Cannabidiol as a Harm Reduction Strategy for People Who Use Drugs: A Rapid Review


2023: A review of how activating the CB2 receptor lowers morphine tolerance

The effect of cannabinoid type 2 receptor agonist on morphine tolerance


2023: A review on how the exposure to opioids dysregulates the endocannabinoid system

Dysregulation of the endogenous cannabinoid system following opioid exposure


2023: A clinical framework for using cannabinoids to help with the opioid epidemic

An answered call for aid? Cannabinoid clinical framework for the opioid epidemic


2022: In a review of animal models of drug addiction, β-caryophyllene (one of the primary terpenes of cannabis) showed promising results, often via its ability to activate the CB2 receptor
Effects of β-caryophyllene, A dDietary Cannabinoid, in Animal Models of Drug Addiction


2022: A review on how cannabinoids may alter the reward sensation of opioids
Opioid Reinforcement: What It Is And How It Can Be Modulated By Cannabinoids


2022: A review of studies on THC helping with opioid withdrawal
Alleviation of opioid withdrawal by cannabis and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: A systematic review of observational and experimental human studies


2022: On endocannabinoids & addiction to methamphetamine or morphine

Endocannabinoids and addiction memory: Relevance to Methamphetamine/Morphine Abuse


2021: A literature review that included 41 articles looking at CBD for opioid withdrawal suggests that it can be a safe & effective treatment for many of the relevant symptoms

Adjunctive Management of Opioid Withdrawal with the Nonopioid Medication Cannabidiol


2021: This review looks at the mechanisms of how CBD might be helpful for opioid use disorder & its effect on inflammatory response

Modulatory Potential of Cannabidiol on the Opioid-Induced Inflammatory Response


2021: In terms of addiction, this review looks at how the endocannabinoids & endogenous opioids interact

Cellular and behavioral basis of cannabinioid and opioid interactions: Implications for opioid dependence and withdrawal


Timeline of research



2024: In a mouse model of apnea due to opioids, CBD pretreatment antagonized this fatal opioid response

Proof of Concept for High-Dose Cannabidiol Pretreatment to Antagonize Opioid Induced Persistent Apnea


2024: In drug modeling of CBD & morphine metabolism, computer modeling suggested a ~5% increase in morphine exposure

Evaluation of the Drug–Drug Interaction Potential of Cannabidiol Against UGT2B7-Mediated Morphine Metabolism Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling


2024: In a mouse model of fentanyl addiction, the inhalation of CBD lowered their neuroinflammatory response & protected the cells

Cannabidiol reverses fentanyl-induced addiction and modulates neuroinflammation


2024: In a mouse model of opioid tolerance, PEA delayed the formation of tolerance & potentiated its painkilling effects via downregulation of VEGF-A & sFLT-1

New insights in the mechanisms of opioid analgesia and tolerance: Ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide down-modulates vascular endothelial growth factor-A in the nervous system


2024: In a mouse model of morphine withdrawal, PEA reduced the negative emotions & lowered the levels of relevant neurotransmitters

N-palmitoylethanolamide attenuates negative emotions induced by morphine withdrawal in mice


2024: In a rat model of heroin addiction, the terpene beta-caryophyllene inhibited self-administration

β-caryophyllene inhibits heroin self-administration, but does not alter opioid-induced antinociception in rodents


2023: In a mouse model of morphine withdrawal, CBD cause anti-anxiety effects via a serotonin receptor

Cannabidiol attenuates the expression of conditioned place aversion induced by naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal through the activation of 5-HT1A receptors


2023: In a mouse model of pain, oxycodone combined well with THC for painkilling effects as well as delaying the formation of tolerance and without the THC augmenting the negatives of the oxycodone (except for its rewarding properties)

Impact of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and oxycodone co-administration on measures of antinociception, dependence, circadian activity, and reward in mice


2023: In a rat model of pain, THC seemed to help the fentanyl work better

Antinociceptive Effects of Fentanyl and Non-opioid Drugs in Methocinnamox-treated Rats


2022: In mice going through opioid withdrawal, CBD reduced the severity of their gut problems
Cannabidiol Reduced the Severity of Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal in Male and Female Mice


2022: In a mouse model of heroin addiction & withdrawal, CBD reduced behavioral impairments & normalized the associated gene expression changes

CBD-mediated regulation of heroin withdrawal-induced behavioural and molecular changes in mice


2009: In rats, CBD helped with self-administration of heroin & drug seeking behavior – altered glutamate & ECS systems

Cannabidiol, a nonpsychotropic component of cannabis, inhibits cue-induced heroin seeking and normalizes discrete mesolimbic neuronal disturbances​


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