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Migraines & Headaches

Clinical research


2024: In a survey of 1300+ people from a tertiary headache center, they reported using cannabis to treat their headaches & sleep concerns with the majority reporting improvements in migraine intensity, duration & frequency as well as nausea, sleep disturbances, anxiety & depression

Characterizing Cannabis Use and Perceived Benefit in a Tertiary Headache Center Patient Sample


2024: In people with migraines, 600 mg of PEA resolved headaches, lowered pain & reduced rescue medication significantly more than a placebo with no adverse events

Effectiveness of Palmitoylethanolamide (Levagen+) Compared to a Placebo for Reducing Pain, Duration, and Medication Use during Migraines in Otherwise Healthy Participants—A Double-Blind Randomised Controlled Study


2024: For migraines, a vaped THC/CBD mixture caused sustained pain relief
Vaporized Cannabis versus Placebo for Acute Migraine: A Randomized Controlled Trial


2024: For refractory migraine (resistant to treatment), a case report of one month of CBD resolving the symptoms

Cannabidiol in the treatment of migraine: studies and future perspectives


2022: In a survey of people with persistent headaches, the majority of cannabis users reported it helped with the severity of their headaches & a quarter of them said it reduced their frequency
Cannabinoid Use in a Tertiary Headache Clinic: A Cross-Sectional Survey


2022: In migraine patients, oral cannabinoids helped reduce pain intensity & to lower acute medication intake

Oral Cannabinoid Preparations for the Treatment of Chronic Migraine: A Retrospective Study


2022: In humans with tension headaches, PEA worked almost as well as ibuprofen for moderate headaches & for severe headaches, PEA worked faster
Efficacy of Palmitoylethanolamide (Levagen+TM) Compared to Ibuprofen for Reducing Headache Pain Severity and Duration in Healthy Adults: A Double-Blind, Parallel, Randomized Clinical Trial


2022: In patients with episodic migraines, a small pilot study finds that PEA helps decrease the frequency of migraines & the amount of medication needed for pain
Palmitoylethanolamide-based nutraceutical Calmux® in preventive treatment of migraine


2021: In this case study, vaping a small amount of THC helped a patient with her headaches resulting from brain surgery

Significant reduction of symptomatic headache by medical marijuana – Case report,142773,0,2.html


2020: A survey finds cannabis helpful for migraines

Experience of Migraine, its Severity, and Perceived Efficacy of Treatments among Cannabis Users


2020: A real-world study finds smoked cannabis flower effective for migraines & headache

Alleviative effects of Cannabis flower on migraine and headache


2020: A study finds that cannabis treatment decreased migraine frequency

Migraine Frequency Decrease Following Prolonged Medical Cannabis Treatment: A Cross-Sectional Study


2016: A retrospective chart review of migraine patients shows cannabis decreased migraine frequency

Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency in an Adult Population


Chart gallery

Best reviews


2024: A review of cannabis for the treatment of headaches

Cannabis Use in Headache Treatment: A Literature Review


2024: For migraines, a review of the neural immune cells & the effects of the cannabinoids (good charts on the immune system)
Interplay between cannabinoids and the neuroimmune system in migraine


2023: For migraines, this review of nine studies finds cannabis to cause a significant clinical reduction in their length & frequency
Efficacy and Safety of Medical Marijuana in Migraine Headache: A Systematic Review


2022: A review of the evidence suggests the promising benefits of cannabis for migraine
Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of Migraine in Adults: A Review of the Evidence


2021: This review of migraines & neural inflammation has a focus on the pain-relieving ability of the endocannabinoids (good charts of migraines)

Neurogenic Inflammation: One of the Participants of Migraine and the Contribution of Translational Research


2008: Dr. Ethan Russo on the history of cannabis for migraines

Hemp for Headache An In-Depth Historical and Scientific Review of Cannabis in Migraine Treatment


Timeline of research


2024: In a rat model of migraines, CBD worked roughly as well as the pharmaceutical treatment drugs sumatriptan & cafiaspirin

Study on the Effects of Isolated Cannabidiol on Vascular Cephalalgia in an Experimental Model of Induced Migraine in Wistar Rats


2024: In a female rat model of migraines, CBD/THC reduced pain & photosensitivity to light with some benefits with the addition of CBG

Potential antinociceptive effects of cannabinoid compounds on migraine-associated responses in an experimental model in female rats


2024: In a mouse model of headaches, they had dysregulations of their endocannabinoid system
Formoterol dynamically alters endocannabinoid tone in the periaqueductal gray inducing headache


2024: In a mouse model of migraines, zolmitriptan patches reduced pain via the CB1 receptors
Zolmitriptan niosomal transdermal patches: combating migraine via epigenetic and endocannabinoid pathways and reversal of migraine hypercoagulability


2024: In a tissue model of familial hemiplegic migraine (migraine with aura & motor weakness), CBD reduced the excitability of the hyperactive sodium channels linked to the disease

Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Familial Hemiplegic Migraines


2023: In a rat model of acute & chronic migraines, CBD significantly reduced pain & inflammation levels in the acute model & CBD caused a significant decrease in inflammatory cytokines in the chronic model

Characterization of the biochemical and behavioral effects of cannabidiol: implications for migraine


2023: In a mouse model of migraines, CBD helped with the pain though it only helped the males with the related anxiety & pain behaviors

Preclinical effects of cannabidiol in an experimental model of migraine


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