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Research Roundup: Mar 21, 2023

Best of cannabinoid science this week...

In patients with type 2 diabetes, 8 weeks of a 10:1 CBD:THC spray helped with their cholesterol, triglyceride & insulin levels A Phase I Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study on Efficacy and Safety Profile of a Sublingually Administered Cannabidiol /Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabidiol (10: 1) Regimen in Diabetes Type 2 Patients

For substance use disorder, a review of 29 studies finds CBD to be the most promising for treating multiple substance use disorders Evidence from Human Studies for Utilising Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Substance-Use Disorders: A Scoping Review with a Systematic Approach

In people with a high risk for psychosis, brain scans show that CBD helped to normalize alterations in the blood flow of their hippocampus (memory center of the brain) Acute Effects of Cannabidiol on Hippocampal Blood Flow in People at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis

A review of using cannabinoids for bone diseases like osteoporosis & their associated inflammation like osteoarthritis Cannabinoids: new friends in bone fracture and in joint disease prevention?

On the use of CBD for panic disorder Cannabidiol, NegEnt and Panic Disorder

A review of HIV & the impact of cannabinoids on its inflammation The impact of cannabinoids on inflammasome signaling in HIV-1 infection

In people living with HIV, CBD lowered inflammation via alteration to the expressions of genes in bone marrow cells Oral CBD treatment is associated to an anti-inflammatory gene expression signature in myeloid cells of people living with HIV

In a survey of tinnitus patients, the ones using cannabis reported it helped with their dizziness, anxiety, bodily pain & sleep disturbances Cannabis use amongst tinnitus patients: consumption patterns and attitudes

For 14 combat veterans with treatment-resistant PTSD, medical cannabis improved total sleep scores, sleep quality, sleep duration as well as PTSD symptom scores for intrusiveness, avoidance & alertness Medical cannabis for treatment-resistant combat PTSD

In a songbird model of developmental delays via brain trauma, CBD improved their singing ability & reduced inflammation & oxidative stress in the brain

Cannabidiol Inhibits Neuroinflammatory Responses and Circuit-Associated Synaptic Loss Following Damage to a Songbird Vocal Pre-motor Cortical-Like Region

In a mouse model of type-1 diabetes, CBD helped with their anxiety & fearful memories Cannabidiol modulates contextual fear memory consolidation in animals with experimentally induced type-1 diabetes mellitus

In rats anxious because of the withdrawal of food, blocking their FAAH enzyme (a function of CBD) reduced their anxiety Anxiety associated with palatable food withdrawal is reversed by the selective FAAH inhibitor PF-3845: A regional analysis of the contribution of endocannabinoid signaling machinery

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