Best of cannabinoid science this week...
In a large trial of people with anxiety, 15 weeks of CBD significantly improved anxiety scores as well as depression & sleep quality
Evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of nanodispersible cannabidiol oral solution (150 mg/mL) versus placebo in mild to moderate anxiety subjects: A double blind multicenter randomized clinical trial
In people with a range of inflammatory skin diseases, two months of topical cannabis caused pain relief [Spanish]
[Topical Use of Cannabis in Inflammatory Diseases in patients of the IPS Salud Social in Barranquilla, Colombia]
On the medical cannabis preferences of older adults
Medical Cannabis for Patients Over Age 50: A Multi-site, Prospective Study of Patterns of Use and Health Outcomes
In insomnia patients using oral cannabis products at night, there was a “notable” lack of next day impairment on 28 different tests of cognitive & psychomotor function
Evaluating possible 'next day' impairment in insomnia patients administered an oral medicinal cannabis product by night: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Young adults who use cannabis seemed to exercise slightly more than those who did not
Recent Cannabis Use and Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Young-to-Midlife Adults: An Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2011 to 2014
In healthy volunteers, 20 milligrams of CBG caused reductions in anxiety & enhancements to verbal memory
Acute Effects of Cannabigerol on Anxiety, Stress, and Mood: A Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled, Crossover, Field Trial
In a survey of UK vets & pet owners, the largest use of CBD was for musculoskeletal disorders
Veterinary professional (VP) and owner perceptions of Cannabinoid use in United Kingdom (UK) companion animals
On the antidepressant effects of CBD, a review of the involvement of the serotonin & BDNF-TrkB signaling pathway
New insights into the involvement of serotonin and BDNF-TrkB signalling in cannabidiol's antidepressant effect
A review of PEA for gut disorders
Therapeutic Potential of Palmitoylethanolamide in Gastrointestinal Disorders
For autism, a review of targeting the endocannabinoid system
Unraveling the Endocannabinoid System: Exploring Its Therapeutic Potential in Autism Spectrum Disorder
For the pain of Parkinson's disease, a review of the interactions between the endocannabinoids & dopamine in the basal ganglia
Interplay between endocannabinoids and dopamine in the basal ganglia: implications for pain in Parkinson's disease
In a mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome, low doses of THC improved their inflammatory response & shifted the balance of macrophages (white blood cell type) away from inflammation
Revitalizing polycystic ovary syndrome: The therapeutic impact of low-dose ∆9 tetrahydrocannabinol through reduction of oxidative stress and modulation of macrophage polarization
In a male mouse model of PTSD, CBD lowered symptoms & neuroinflammation via CB2 receptors in the brain
Cannabidiol ameliorates PTSD-like symptoms by inhibiting neuroinflammation through its action on CB2 receptors in the brain of male mice
In a model of neuroinflammation, CBD lowered the inflammation via CB2 receptors, the NLRP3 inflammasome complex, the PPARγ receptors (that modulate genetic transcription) & the microglia (guardian immune cells of the brain)
Cannabidiol prevents LPS-induced inflammation by inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome and iNOS activity in BV2 microglia cells via CB2 receptors and PPARγ
Cannabis extracts killed bad bacteria & helped good gut bacteria as well as changing immunomodulatory levels
Antimicrobial, Probiotic, and Immunomodulatory Potential of Cannabis sativa Extract and Delivery Systems
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38667045 And on the efficacy of cannabis extracts against antibiotic-resistant bacteria
In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic Tanao Si Kan Dang RD1 (Cannabis sativa L.) Extracts Against Human Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteriahttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38686733/ And CBD significantly reduce the growth of the fungus Candida albicans
Effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on Candida albicans pathogenesis