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Research Roundup: Dec 16, 2024

Best of cannabinoid science this week...

In elderly people with vascular dementia (cognitive problems from impaired blood flow to the brain), one month of 300 milligrams of CBD per day reduced psychological & behavioral symptoms with only mild, transient adverse events

Effects of cannabidiol on behavioral and psychological symptoms of vascular dementia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial


In young adults with cancer, a survey of their characteristics & why they used it (managing sleep disturbances (69%), pain (62%) or mood disorders (42%))

Medical cannabis use in young adults with cancer: a self-reported survey study

In survivors of gynecological cancer, a combination of cannabis suppositories & a mindful compassion group intervention reduced sexual pain & improved sexual function, including arousal, lubrication & orgasms

A Preliminary Investigation into the Use of Cannabis Suppositories and Online Mindful Compassion for Improving Sexual Function Among Women Following Gynaecological Cancer Treatment

In rare epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures, two pediatric case reports of using CBD for rapid seizure freedom

Rapid seizure resolution with cannabidiol in medically refractory epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures


In a case report of a child with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (a painful genetic condition with the overgrowth of skin, veins, tissues & bones), THC helped with the intractable pain & improved quality of life

Compassionate use of medicinal Cannabis for pain treatment in children with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. Case report


In a case report of Angelman syndrome (a rare genetic disease of the nervous system with severe physical & learning disabilities as well as seizures), CBD stopped the seizures

Successful use of cannabidiol in nonconvulsive status epilepticus in Angelman syndrome

In a human study of oral Streptococcus mutans (the bacteria linked to tooth decay), 15 days of a lozenge infused with 300 mg of CBD significantly reduced bacterial levels

Antimicrobial Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD)-infused Lozenges against Streptococcus mutans in Oral Health


In people intensely exercising, low doses of CBD inhibited exercise-induced liver activity with no evidence for liver toxicity

Short-term repeated oral intake of low dose cannabidiol: effects on liver enzyme activity and creatinine concentration during intense exercise


For Alzheimer's, a review of using CBD


On stem cells, a review of 38 studies found CBD to protect them

Cannabidiol effects in stem cells: A systematic review

In a rat model of periodontitis (gum disease), CBD combined well with taurine to decrease inflammation & bone loss

Combination of Cannabidiol with Taurine Synergistically Treated Periodontitis in Rats


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