Best of cannabinoid science this week...
In a fascinating study of autistic children, they looked at how biomarkers in the saliva could be used to measure the effectiveness of cannabis treatment
The Potential of Salivary Lipid-Based Cannabis-Responsive Biomarkers to Evaluate Medical Cannabis Treatment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
In a case series of dementia patients, 15 days of CBD improved their symptoms Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Dementia. The Added Value of Cannabinoids. Are they a Safe and Effective Choice? Case Series with Cannabidiol 3%
A survey of multiple sclerosis patients found that two-thirds of them used cannabis to help alleviate symptoms
Medical cannabis use in Canadians with multiple sclerosis
In an intriguingly designed Human Laboratory Study, CBD seems to ‘dial down’ the mental effects of THC relevant to psychosis
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Cannabidiol, and Acute Psychotomimetic States: A Balancing Act of the Principal Phyto-Cannabinoids on Human Brain and Behavior
Against two types of salmonella, CBD was as effective as ampicillin Cannabis sativa CBD Extract Shows Promising Antibacterial Activity against S. typhimurium and S. Newington
In the fat tissue of rats, CBD enhanced the glucose uptake, improved glucose-lipid homeostasis & enhanced antioxidative activities Cannabidiol improves glucose utilization and modulates glucose-induced dysmetabolic activities in isolated rats' peripheral adipose tissues