Best of cannabinoid science this week...
A review of 51 clinical trials on CBD find the usual list of adverse events: “diarrhea, somnolence, sedation, and upper respiratory disturbances”
Update on Cannabidiol Clinical Toxicity and Adverse Effects: a Systematic Review
Advice on using the cannabinoids for treating the neuropathic pain of diabetes Consideration of cannabinoids in the treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
A review of why CBD is so protective of the brain
Neuroprotective potential of cannabidiol: Molecular mechanisms and clinical implications
A review of using CBD for skin conditions & cosmetics (nice chart) Skin applications of cannabidiol: sources, effects, delivery systems, marketed formulations and safety
Prior to drinking alcohol, consuming oral CBD has little effect on breath alcohol levels or the subjective effects of alcohol Consuming oral cannabidiol prior to a standard alcohol dose has minimal effect on breath alcohol level and subjective effects of alcohol
In infants with drug resistant epilepsy, CBD was an effective & safe drug to add to their treatment regimen Cannabidiol Add-On in Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Related Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
In adults with a rare epilepsy, CBD improved their stability & postural tone, perhaps via the brain’s locomotor centers Highly purified cannabidiol improves stability and postural tone in adult patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: a case series
In a mouse model of epilepsy, CBD change the levels of over 100 metabolites in the hippocampus (memory center of the brain) The Potential Mechanism of Cannabidiol (CBD) Treatment of Epilepsy in Pentetrazol (PTZ) Kindling Mice Uncovered by Multi-Omics Analysis